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Club Statement regarding next Tuesday’s game v TNS

By Nigel Sheen
The League have decided to switch next Tuesday’s planned home game with TNS to Park Hall, Oswestry, after “concerns” were expressed over some of the dimensions on our new playing surface.

Club Chairman, Darryl Williams said he was appalled at this decision, and has issued the following statement :

“Flint Town United are appalled at the FAW’s decision yesterday afternoon (Friday) to switch Tuesday’s game to TNS. Our new pitch was passed by FIFA approved inspectors, all pitch measurements were correct and forwarded to FAW.
Last Saturday, the match referee took it upon himself to measure the pitch with a pedometer, a notoriously unreliable tool for such surfaces, and reported he had ‘found’ discrepancies around the penalty boxes. Following consultation between the two clubs, Bala Town kindly agreed for the game to go ahead.
PST, our pitch installers duly sent their engineers to the ground within 12 hours, to re-examine the markings. Using a steel calibrated measuring tape, they exactly confirmed FIFA’s own measurements. The club subsequently informed the FAW of this but we were informed independent verification was necessary and were assured that this would take place early last week. Unfortunately, through no fault of our own, this failed to happen and a decision was subsequently taken to switch the game.
FTU are dumbfounded at this sequence of events. The Club are in discussion with the FAW as to parity of opportunity for all pitch measurements in the Cymru Premier.
On behalf of Flint Town United, I would like to offer my sincere apologies to the many supporters who would have attended Tuesday night’s game., for any inconvenience caused”.