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Danny Harrison becomes 1st Team Player Coach

By Nigel Sheen
We are pleased to announce that in addition to his playing duties, Danny Harrison has also stepped up to become 1st team coach. Manager Lee Fowler welcomed Danny to his new role, which will see him working alongside Lee, Assistant Manager Iwan Williams and Goalkeeping Coach Danny Connell.
On the appointment, Fowler commented, “We felt we needed an extra pair of eyes and hands, and indeed another voice, and Danny’s experience will be a valuable asset to us, both on and off the pitch. He is well respected in the club at all levels. Although his main focus will still be on the playing side of things, having him become part of the coaching staff will give us a great link between ourselves and the players”.
Harrison’s elevation will mean he takes over the coaching role previously occupied by Danny Bell, who was having to juggle that with his other commitments. This now frees him up to concentrate on his work as Head of the Academy, to make sure that this is running smoothly. Fowler added that “Danny Bell still has massively important role to play in the set up, as he represents a vital link to the up and coming players at the club, and will be someone I continue to lean on and have dialogue with regarding the crop of players we have coming through the ranks”