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Flint once again support Show Racism the Red Card

By Nigel Sheen
October is the designated month of action for the Show Racism the Red Card campaign, and prior to Saturday’s game, the Flint players, alongside their counterparts from Airbus, lined up in a show of solidarity to the cause.
Show Racism the Red Card is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity. They aim to combat racism by enabling role models, who are predominately but not exclusively footballers, to present an anti-racist message to young people and others.
Show Racism the Red Card acknowledges that racism changes, as do the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in the UK. The message and activities, therefore, need to be able to respond to such changes as and when appropriate.
They achieve this through:
• Producing and delivering educational resources
• Developing actvites to encourage people, including young people, to challenge
• Challenging racism in the game of football and other sports.
During October, football clubs across Wales show their support for Show Racism the Red Card by delivering a matchday action demonstrating their stance on eradicating racism from the beautiful game. These actions act as a vehicle to deliver an anti-racism message to the community through the power of sport