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Jakey commits for the new Season

By Nigel Sheen
Jake Phillips has committed to signing for the new season, in news that will please all Silkmen fans. He was one of the standout players last term and picked up both the Committee and Chairman’s Player of the Season awards.
Manager Lee Fowler was delighted that Jake has agreed to stay on and commented, “I’m really looking forward to seeing Jake play in a more central position, as we both feel this would add more responsibility to his game. He is coming up to the age where is now looked on as one of the leaders in our team, both in his performances and in his attitude and professionalism, which is exemplary. And the younger lads in the squad respond to this, and really look up to him.
He is very highly thought of, by everyone at the club. In fact, I think you could call Flint, Jake’s spiritual home. Sometimes certain players just fit certain clubs, and in both his spells here, first under Gibbo, and then with me, last season, Jake has given consistent, top level performances.”