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Preview : TNS v Flint, Tues 27th Sept, 7-45pm

By Nigel Sheen
We had hoped to be hosting The New Saints at our own stadium tomorrow night, but the powers that be decreed otherwise, and so instead we travel to Oswestry, for our seventh away game in our first eight league fixtures.

Lee Fowler gave us his thoughts on the game.
“Tomorrow sees us travel to TNS, with the fixture having been reversed, something which is out of our control and so we will focus on the game in hand.
TNS is club I know well, having played and coached there under Craig during his first spell with the club. The success they have had with him at the helm and Mike’s continual support of the squad deserves a tip of the hat and respect.
It goes without saying that they are the power house in this league. And they have been for many years now, with only Jock (Andy Morrison) being able to halt their domination.
We have covered the respect and the reality of playing TNS, so we can take all that emotion out of the game
We watched them versus Penybont and on Friday night v Dundee. The message to my players will be to have a right go, it’s a free hit, so have courage, be brave and on the front foot. Most teams can be defeated mentally before a game against them.
But our games against them won’t define our season, it’s what we do as a group over the course of the season that will define us. “

Owing to the bizarre set of circumstances that led to switching this game, it would be great if we could bank on the support of a large Flint contingent to come up to the game and get behind the lads. They really would appreciate it. Kick Off is 7-45pm.