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Ray Marshall

By Nigel Sheen
Shortly before kick off today, we learned the extremely sad news that another one of our long standing club stalwarts, Ray Marshall, had passed away, following a sustained period of illness. Ray, was always someone who looked on the positive side of things, and was involved with Flint Town United in one capacity or another since the 1980’s. He served alongside a succession of managers as trainer/physio/bucket man, and in later years became one of the mainstays of the group of volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes, either in the social club or at the football ground. One of the last things Ray was involved with, was helping with the installation of the new fanzone at the ground.
On behalf of Flint Town United FC, I would like to extend our sincere and deepest condolences to Pauline, Ray’s partner, and to all his family. We shall look to honour Ray’s memory before our next home game against Pontypridd next Saturday.